Clara S.
I absolutely adored my session with you last evening!
I felt such a sense of love coming from you. My heart, mind and spirit were so comforted by your loving gentle kind guidance. Everything you said really resonated with my soul. I was able to receive such clarity and hope on all of my questions and for that I am so grateful.
After the session my body was literally vibrating so very high! I really felt like I was stepping into my true self. Fully embracing my/our New Earth. I felt renewed as if this darkness that I have been carrying was completely gone. My heart and mind are so light filled. My third eye is so rejuvenated. I feel one with every being and this connection is all LOVE. I was finally able to have the best night’s sleep since March. I woke up feeling so happy and full of dreams coming true!
Thank you so much for your kindness and love. It was truly a gift to spend healing time with you both and Puglet of course. My heart is so filled hope now. I’m very grateful that you all have come into my life. I am very blessed.