What Is Your mission?
weekly calls, Love Beings EvolutionJosephine Wilkinspease, peace, calm, allowing, knowing, ease, comfort, community, totality, greatness, completion
Communicating with our Galactics
Unity Within
weekly calls, Love Beings EvolutionJosephine Wilkinsacceptance, peace, totality, allowing, letting go, release, attendance, community, completeness
Creating Destiny and Cultivating Gentleness
Creating a Landing Pad
High Vibe Living
weekly callsJosephine Wilkinsnegative entities, free will, intention, neutrality, beliefs, upgrading, frequency, choice, community, visioning, morning, evening, gratitude
Body Love
weekly callsJosephine Wilkinswater, intention, letting go, allowing, opening, peace, community, stabilization, grounding, earthing, cells
Handing It Over
weekly callsJosephine Wilkinslove, support, release, surrender, assistance, community, solo, help, guidance, weekly call
Becoming a Love Being: Embodying Your Highest Self
weekly callsJosephine Wilkinsweekly Call, love being, human being, ascension, highest self, alien, eyes, community, tribe, calling, trust, soul lineage, DNA activation