What Is Your mission?
weekly calls, Love Beings EvolutionJosephine Wilkinspease, peace, calm, allowing, knowing, ease, comfort, community, totality, greatness, completion
Healing Our Bodies as We Own Higher Dimensional Healing
Jumping Timelines
Transforming Fear and Finding Soothing
New Earth Now
Power (2021)
Gratitude for Our God and Source Connection
Communicating with our Galactics
What Lane Are You In?
weekly calls, Love Beings EvolutionJosephine Wilkinsownership, allowing, letting go, release, peace, totality, completion, ending, beginning
Creation Ritual
weekly calls, Love Beings EvolutionJosephine Wilkinslove, creation, knowing, peace, trust, allowing, opening, totality, completion, openness, letting go
Your Number One Relationship
Our Relationship with the Potential of Our Higher Self
Free Channel
weekly calls, Love Beings EvolutionJosephine Wilkinsart, healing, integration, completion, whole, totality, ending, beginning, play, fun, joy guides, drawing